2026 will be lit!

Above you is a chart of transits of outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) generated in the Sirius astrology software for the year 2026. It shows the Uranus-Pluto cycle will come to an exact Waxing trine on the 18 July, the Uranus-Neptune cycle will come to an exact Waxing sextile on the 15 July, and the Neptune-Pluto cycle will reach an exact Waxing sextile on the 25 July. 

The only event that could be traced to June-July 2026 will be the FIFA World Cup in US, Canada and Mexico. Although the aspects come into their exactitude towards the second half of July, it allows me to predict that the World Cup will feature a display of technology and innovation that it will leave upon the World a lasting impression. All the aspects are positive, beneficial, and in the Waxing phase of each cycle, therefore formative rather than transformative. 


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