Ancient Revolts and the Uranus-Pluto Cycle

Here is something incredible I have found doing the Chart of the Aeons, the opposition of Uranus and Pluto on the Libra-Aries axis in the 130s literally coincides with the Bar Kochba Jewish rebellion against Rome, and the 70s conduction of Uranus and Pluto in Aquarius coincides with the First Jewish Revolt against Rome that led to the destruction of the Second Temple. In Rome, meanwhile, there is an attempt to restore the republic (very Aquarian), and eventual overthrow of the Emperor Nero.

Furthermore, the conjunctions of Uranus and Pluto in the Late Classical Age all begin in Air signs of learning and invention, and these series end literally with the Fall of Rome.

Another rebellion that coincides with the Uranus-Pluto cycle is that of slaves under the leadership of Spartacus around 70 BC, also know as the Third Servile War.


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