The Grand Era - Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions Through Zodiac Signs

I would like to introduce a new concept in my astrological organisation of history. The conjunction of Uranus-Neptune cycle that I have dubbed "Era" occurs, normally, twice per sign. In 1993 the conjunction occurred for the second time in the sign of Sagittarius (I am using Sidereal Astrology). It will occur again in Capricorn in 2160s when our current Era will end. We are still not beyond the first half, I always found the ascending times more interesting. 

But what if we applied subjective names to the entire cycle of the eras, from the Archaic First Arian Era in the Aeon of Gemini to the First Arian Era in the Aeon of Aries, and to the Future Arian Era in the Aeon of Aquarius. I have calculated all those on my latest iteration of the Chart of the Aeons, however I couldn't extend the pattern 4,000 years into the past beyond the Archaic Arian Era and into the Aeon of Leo.

The cycle of Uranus-Pluto conjunctions is a long one, takes roughly 5000-6000 years, and that makes it longer than the Precessional Aeons themselves. The Grand Era as I would like to name this cycle spans several Aeons and often one in its entirety. For instance our Aeon of Pisces, the Aeon of Taurus, and potentially the primordial Aeon of Cancer and the future Aeon of Capricorn

Our "Historical Era" is depicted on the Chart of the Aeons on the left. You can notice that it begins in the Aeon of Aries, spans the entire Aeon of Pisces and will end in the Aeon of Aquarius. 

Each Era begins very near the triple conjunction of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This usually occurs in Aries or Taurus and marks an evolutionary shift, which propels humanity forward. 

Our Grand Era is the Historical Era, and the triple conjunction for which I employ the German word Achsenzeit (after the philosopher Jaspers, who researched the last time this occurred) brought about the art of history itself. Because it was around this time, first historians in Greece appeared. 

The previous Archaic Era is a stuff of myths and legends and better left to archeology. It begins in the Aeon of Gemini, around the time people start working with metal ores. This had a profound effect on the later birth of civilisation as it provided the humans with better tools and instruments of control. Suddenly those with pointy spears could dominate the masses and direct them to build monuments to their glory.

The Achsenzeit of the Aeon of Gemini meant also the appearance of proto-writing. A development of the notion that ideas can be represented using abstract symbols that led to the development of writing an Aeon later. 

If we extend the Grand Era pattern into the past, we will reach the very beginning our our current geological epoch, the Holocene in the Aeon of Leo, around the time of the end of the the last Ice Age. This marks a milestone in human evolution called the invention of agriculture. I have termed this cycle the Neolithic Era because it spans the Neolithic in popular understanding. 

The Future Era which will begin in the Aeon of Aquarius, which will also see the Achsenzeit, will end in the Aeon of Sagittarius and will span the entire Aeon of Capricorn. I have already written about far future on this blog.  


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