We are Entering a Decade of Uranus-Neptune Waxing Sextile

Above you is a timeline generated in the Sirius astrology software. It shows this August we will enter collectively the influence of the Uranus-Neptune sextile. I am using a 10 degree orb, which was inspired by Richard Tarnas' book Cosmos & Psyche, which goes even further and employs a 15 degree orb, that is literally a half of a sign, which however seemed too much to me.

The current cycle which began in the late eighties, and lasted until 1999, and came three times into exactitude in 1993 is still in early in its waxing phase. The waxing sextile usually marks the first flowering of a cycle, when the ideas of the current cycle establish themselves..This waxing sextile will come into exactitude in the second half of the twenties, and will coincide with the last period of intensity (when an aspect comes into exactitude over several years) of the waxing sextile of Neptune-Pluto, which was very influential in the twentieth century, that is since the 1930s, being the most intense in the 1950's and 1970's.

This is a very formative period. The waxing square, a hard aspect of Uranus-Pluto is running out. Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto are coming into a conjunction very soon. Uranus and Neptune will come into conjunction in the upcoming decade. For a short time around 2026, the vast majority of the outer planets will be in their waxing phases.

I often follow the Planetwatcher, despite it showing only tropical positions, and the authors there believe this is the beginning of a new era. The indexes of the French astrologers, Barbault and Ganeau seem to indicate a generally positive time ahead of us, that will however begin with a crisis.
The blue line shows Barbaults cyclical index, where ups are good, and downs indicate a crisis. It is calculated by adding up the distance between planets. The World will experience a major crisis soon. The red like is Ganeau's cycle of cyclic equilibrium, which I believe is created by adding and subtracting the disances between planets depending on whether they are in a waxing or waning cycle, with the first being positive and the other being negative. That means, everything above the zero line indicates positive times.

As you can see above, the 2020s will be lit... a generally positive period that will end by the beginning of 2030s, which as I wrote earlier, coincides with America's Uranus return. If history is any indication, this will mark a point of transformation for the United States, and the US are the remaining superpower in the World, so we will all be effected by the Uranus transit. Another event will be the Saturn-Uranus alignment in 2032, this has not happened since like 1988, I assume it will have something to do with the UN, and global order, since 1942 marked the Declaration of United Nations, and 1988 marked Gobachev's New Political Thinking presented in the UN.

The last time the waxing sextile of Uranus-Neptune occurred was the decade of 1850s. But that was a very different time from ours. If again, the cyclic indexes of Barbault and Ganeau are any indication, the 1850s were a far more tumultuous period than what is ahead of us. The current crises will compound but begging next year, we shall see a rapid improvement and then a period of formation of a new reality shall ensue.

The influence of the waxing sextile started literally in the year of revolutions 1848, the times coincided with the Uranus-Pluto conjunction. Back in the 1850s it was ideas associated with the industrial revolution, the free movement of workforce, equal right, anti-slavery in the US. The period of influence literally ends with the American Civil War. The British global empire ruled supreme, it knocked the teeth out simultaneously from the Bear, the imperial Russia, and the Dragon, the imperial China, in the Crimean and the Second Opium wars. The British will enter a period of a slow decline following the Uranus-Neptune opposition of the early twentieth century.

I wonder what ideas are in the air right now. The decline of the middle class, environmentalism, imperial overstretch of the US, debt of the Western nations, mass immigration in the West? The exactitude of the upcoming waxing sextile shall happen while Uranus transits Taurus, and Neptune is in Pisces. Neptune is strong in Pisces, idealism, religion, escapism, drugs... will the World legalize weed? Meanwhile Uranus is not strong in Taurus, quite the contrary. Issues of currency disruptions, trade disruptions could be associated with Uranus transits through Taurus.   


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